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Curing Your Allergy Naturally


Our immune system acts immediately when a foreign body enters our system and it releases antibodies like histamines to fight the foreign substance.  This causes allergy or inflammation.


Natural remedies are available to cure allergies.  There are natural remedies that you can purchase without any prescription but as a precaution you should seek a doctor's advice on any medication you will take for your allergy.


If you are taking natural remedies or medicine for allergies, you should also check out the environment in which you live.  Avoid moist environments.  The growth of molds, encouraged by moist environments is one of the causes of allergies.  If you are to treat your allergies, make sure that your bed and carpet are clean.  There are certain foods that should be avoided and certain foods can be taken.  You can take a proper nutritional supplement to aid the Holistic Treatment Orland Park.


Wheat and chocolates can cause allergy symptoms like headaches which can also be migraine in nature.  Hay fever, hives, childhood allergies, asthma, and eczema are caused also by eating wheat and chocolates.  Garlic and onion can be taken daily to treat allergies.  These herbs contain Quercitin which is effective in curing allergies.  The production of histamine is reduced by quercitin.  Cellular attacks can be warded off by phytonutrients which can be found in green tea extract.  It is also a good anti bacterial which is also used to cut down cholesterol levels and to regulate the blood sugar.


Digestion of vegetable protein is possible with bromelain.  Papain contains a great enzyme that breaks down protein and is effective in curing allergies.  The acidic stages of the allergic reactions can be controlled effectively with Magnesium (citrate).  You can also use this in treating asthma, which has strong bonding with allergies.  You can also cure allergies using calcium (citrate) which balances the acid and alkaline levels in our body.  Calcium also reduces the production of histamine in our body.



Air filters and dehumidifiers can be used to prevent mold in humid environment.  Natural antihistamines are found in onion, garlic and citrus fruits.  These can help you prevent and cure allergies.  With natural nasal rinses, allergies can also be treated.  Allergies can be controlled with the help of a proper diet.  It is important to take note of all the foods that you eat.  Certain foods can cause allergies but there are also certain foods that can help control allergies.


You can take some food supplements to help treat allergies positively.  Natural histamines are taken to control allergy.  It is important to note that the histamine released by the immune system is the what causes your allergic reactions.  It is good to know what causes allergies.  What the baby eats during its first year of life will play an important role in his/her sensitivity to allergy. Know the Benefits of Natural Remedies here!

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